Saturday, December 25, 2010

Holiday Cheers

It's time for this year's seasonal greeting! As usual, Julie and I are sending out two flavors of card this year, and here are both of them for your amusement. If you didn't get one by e-mail, dear friend, consider yourself hereby greeted.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Birthday Cards

Here at last are a few birthday cards that I did for relatives over Thanksgiving vacation. First, something for the nephew...

And something for the niece, combining a couple of her current favorite subjects. :-)

Finally, here's one I did for my dad, featuring characters from some of the stories I've done over the last year or so. I've knocked out the background on this one, and I have a notion to use it for a special project in the near future...

Many thanks to wife Julie for helping piece together the fragmentary scans I made with our wonky travel scanner!