After wrapping up my spring teaching duties and finishing up a huge pile of freelance work, I had a little room in my schedule to get over to the
Oakland Zoo for the first time in about a year...
My photographer buddy Grace and I were especially keen to see the baby warthogs, and they were everything we could have hoped for!
The baboons were hanging back a ways, so these are really just loose impressions rather than detailed likenesses.
I keep meaning to draw the hyenas, so that's one thing off my bucket list! The camels continue to elude my pen, however.
And of course I had to visit my beloved sun bears.
I went back a couple of days later, and ended up drawing a lot of the same critters I drew last year. I'm so predictable.
So sue me, I can't get enough of those giant tortoises.
The gibbons are always reliably entertaining. I love the way the male perches in the treetops and regally surveys his domain.
The ever-popular trio of lady elephants. It's fun trying to capture their very distinctive individual likenesses.
Loitering after closing time, I jotted down a very quick scribble of the charismatic male warthog.