Monday, October 27, 2014

Academy of Sciences 10/17/2014

I took advantage of a neighborhood free day to finally check out the famous Skulls exhibit at the California Academy of Sciences. Honestly, this is all research for a comic project...

I showed up at the Academy of Sciences waaaay early, expecting a big line for the neighborhood free day, but the place was deserted. A crowd finally started forming just before the museum opened.

I'd forgotten that the first thing you see when you walk in is a big old tyrannosaur skeleton cast.

And now, the skulls! I only had time to draw a fraction of them, so I gravitated to the ones that seemed most bizarre.

Had to do the warthog. So crazy tusks!

I did a bit of drawing in the Africa Hall, but zoo sketching has spoiled me, and I find it pretty dull drawing stuffed animals. I prefer the lively exhibits like the penguin tank.


And finally, the famous white alligator and the subterranean aquarium.

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