I finally finished updating my online gallery, including these tarot card dealies that I did for Illustration 4. Now to play catchup and go congratulate everyone who's graduating...
And here's my penultimate project for Stephen Player's Illustration 4 class. Six pages of what I'm pitching as "Spaghetti Western King Arthur on Mars," which makes perfect sense to me at least.
In which I finally succumb to peer pressure and start my own Blogger site, just like every other Academy of Art student I know. I'll begin the content shortly, at which point I'll have to figure out some kind of content distribution between this blog, its namesake LiveJournal, and my vanity Website. In the meantime, here's me with some goats.
2009 graduate of the Academy of Art University. Currently juggling comics, teaching, and giant robot consulting. All images copyright 2016 Mark Simmons.