Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bunny Cards for Everyone

I've really been looking forward to Thanksgiving these last few years. Several of my favorite family members have birthdays over the previous weeks, so when we get together for the holiday, I can gift them with a bunch of personalized artwork.

This year, there was a common theme among all these birthday paintings. My parents just took in a trio of adorable bunny rabbits, and we're all totally smitten with them. Here's my dad, in a slight reversal of the usual daily routine.

Dad's constructed an amazing multi-story hutch/pen complex for the little guys. For my nephew, I visualized an alternative origin for the mega-hutch. The scan is a little blown-out, but you get the idea.

And for my niece, something sweet and sentimental.

May friendly bunnies fly you all away to snuggly dreamland!

1 comment:

Jaime said...

These are fantastic!