Speaking of workshoppery, I saw a notice about an event that may interest other Academites and alumnoids. According to the flyer: This Saturday, December 5, there's an "all day drawing event" with models and costumes and whatnot at the Academy of Art's 701 Chestnut building. Fond as I am of marathon drawing exercises, there's no way I can pass up an event that threatens to run from 10 AM to 10 PM.
Anyways, onward to the past! Last week's workshop got off to a bit of a slow start, as I was woefully undercaffeinated. Once that problem had been solved, we did a run of jazzy two-minute sketches with which I'm rather pleased.

These ten minute poses came out okay as well:

The twenty's not so good, but I'll share my shame with you and swear to do better tomorrow.

I think the 20 is awesome, man. Looks super dramatic. What kind of pen are you using for the white?
Aw, thanks! I've been using those Liquid Paper correction pens they sell at drug stores. After I did this batch, I started using a bit of white pencil as well, to give me a little bit of subtlety to go with the drama. Looks nice on paper, but let's see how well they scan...
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