Saturday, March 4, 2017

At the Academy of Sciences

Since I live virtually next door to the California Academy of Sciences, I've been visiting it pretty often, even if it's just to admire Claude the albino alligator.

August 26, 2016: Here's ace nature illustrator Terri Nelson drawing Antarctic isopods in the Academy lab. Plus a couple quick taxidermy studies from the Naturalist Center, because I'm obsessed with bird feet...


 October 1, 2016: A quick round of African taxidermy to warm up for the Safari West fundraiser drawings.

 December 21, 2016: An emergency one-hour trip to admire the caribou and stoke my penguin obsession!


February 19, 2017: Another research expedition. I'm sculpting Claude for a class, so I needed to study his scale patterns. But there are always a lot of other distractions!


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